Thursday, February 23, 2012

It's pretty much like having a baby. Pretty much.

I've come to the conclusion, after being diabetic for a month now, that type 1 diabetes is a baby. Yes a baby. Now, I'm not with child and I've never ever been with child but I've watched a lot of Baby Story episodes, 16 & Pregnants, and have heard some pretty crazy rumors of what its like to be pregnant or have a baby. So what I'm saying is that my expertise is mighty high.

Type 1=Baby

1-You ever heard of pregnancy brain or mommy brain? Well I have diabetes brain. Honestly, I forget things all the time now. Aj will ask me a question and I will start responding to the question then half way into my response I totally forget what the question was and why I'm even talking. I also do this when I go into a room to get something or do something and I completely have no idea why I am there. For example, I'll go into the kitchen to start making dinner and then once I enter the room I'll think "What? Was I going to do the dishes, get my bookbag, or get a drink?" Half an hour later I'll realize, ohhh yeah I was supposed to be making dinner. It feels like my brain is constantly resetting itself.

2-When you have a baby, so I've heard, you have to get up extra early/start getting ready to go anywhere super early becuase not only do you have to get yourself ready but you got to get that baby ready. Same with diabetes. I have to feed the diabetes appropriately (counting carbs), I have to check to make sure the diabetes is feeling okay (checking blood sugar level), I have to discipline the diabetes sometimes/all freakin time (insulin shots), and I have to mentally plan the diabetes day (when will diabetes eat next, how long it has been since diabetes ate, when to check on diabetes next).

3-You know how moms have to carry huge bags? Babies make mom's do that. So does diabetes. The things I now carry around with me make me look like I should have a toddler trailing behind me. Juice boxes, little snacks. But brightside= Diabetes made me buy a new purse. I really liked diabetes that day. Oh and the purse is big and so amazing. I loooovee it. I can probably carry around at least 10 juice boxes in that thing.

4-I hear babies are little black holes for money. Guess what, so is diabetes. I have developed a love hate relationship with my insurance company.

5-pancreas=dead beat dad? You know, not really doing his part and carrying some of the load.

Type 1=Baby

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Diabetes Shtick

Diabetes shtick is running rampant around these parts.

Even on Valentine's Day.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

You big red bulls eye you

Target I'm impressed with you.

You sweet sweet big red bulls eye you.

I was continuing my constant search today for a bench/ottoman thingy for our living room and found some amazingness on

Check out these beauties, I want them all. 

Desert Blue Storage Bench - Blue.Opens in a new window

Gerber Round Ottoman-Sungold.Opens in a new window

Storage Bench Upholstered in Fashion Fabrics - Henna.Opens in a new window
Storage Bench Upholstered in Fashion Fabrics - Chartreuse.Opens in a new window
Gerber Storage Bench - Red.Opens in a new window
Storage Bench Upholstered in Fashion Fabrics - Black.Opens in a new window

Not only did I find and fall in love with those hot thangs but I also think I found the ONE for our living room.

Baby angels, procede to sing.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sometimes you win sometimes you lose.

I lost.

I tried to get all fancy last night by putting a twist on my favorite diabetes snack, sugar-free Jello. The plan was to dollop fat free cool wipe onto the Jello then to swirl it around with a knife. You know creating fun swirls.

Bad things happened......

It looks like I poured curdled milk into a glowing radioactive substance. It's even bubbling. I should have thought of the fact that cool wipe can't be swirled when frozen. Next time, thaw the cool wipe Courtney, thaw it.

100% still ate it. 100% tasted like strawberries and cream.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sugar-free isn't the only kind of free I'm enjoying these days.

I love myself some art prints. We have them all over the house. I usually end up buying them off etsy but they can get a little pricey (especially when your current life goal is to fill up a gallery wall and pallet kitchen shelves).

Lately I've been searching for free art prints online. There are a lot of blogs out there that offer free art that you can download and get printed for dimes at your favorite office supply store.

Check out some of the dime pieces I got printed.

This might be my favorite, its from this site

So simple and sweet and cheesy

This one I'm going to take a permanent marker to. I'm going to change it to "If life gives you lemons make sugar-free lemonade"

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

When organs don't do their job. Yeah I'm talking to you pancreas. You lazy jerk.

What do I have in common with....

Nick Jonas

Mary Tyler Moore

and this girl from that movie Panic Room?

Kristen Stewart pre vamps. Always makes me feel weird.

 Type 1 Diabetes

Two weeks ago I went to the doctors and my life kinda changed. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

Right after Christmas my body began to slowly freak out. It felt like everyday I had another weird symptom to complain to Aj about. Constant thirst, lightheadedness, peeing x10, blurry vision, constant need to eat, joint pain, hives and I was oh so tired. I avoided and avoided all those fun things for a couple of weeks until my gut wouldn't let me ignore it anymore.

Sooo blah blah blah blah blah boring doctor office stuff blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah type 1 diabetes. Really?!?!

Now, being diagnosed with a lifelong chronic disease at 24 years old that must be treated everyday through shots of insulin and constant monitoring or else I could have major complications is a huge horse pill to swallow. Trust me I have mourned my old normal. and I will probably mourn more and then mourn some more after that just because I may be feeling sorry for myself that day. I'm not taking this lightly. The lightheartedness that may be seen is just a coping method.

But I am a blessed little lady. Oh so blessed. Me and my pancreas had a good 24 year run. Some people don't even get that. and I know that the Lord made my body exactly the way he wanted it, free loading organs and all. All for His glory, right? The beautiful, the painful, happy, sucky, loving, and fun.Yes it all is.

So here I am now, a new diabetic and kinda a mess. There is alot of new information I'm trying to learn and I'm trying to become comfortable with my new normal. I have to be a full-time wife, full-time graduate student and full-time pancreas all at the same time. Yes, my new hobbie is pretending to be a pancreas. Some how I am going to find a way to use these new skills/hobbie as a resume builder=brightside.

Courtney's thoughts on life with diabetes so far:

-My pain threshold has increased
-I feel more in control of the way and things I eat than ever. I've barely eaten processed food in two weeks. This is always a good thing.
-I'm going to make diabetes as cute as possible. I'm talking cute medical ID bracelets, adorable carrying cases for medical supplies, maybe a blinged out glucose monitor. Of the options!
-Sugar free Jello is the bomb
-If someone ever says anything to me about what I can do to "fix" my pancreas and get rid of diabetes I might actually just rip out my pancreas and make them eat it. There's no cure for type 1. Google it.
-I've given myself 56 shots in the past 2 weeks. How long till I get my nursing license through some type of grandfather clause? ...I honestly don't even know what a grandfather clause is.
-I don't want my disease to be a secret or something I feel like I have to hide. That's why I'm blogging about it. This is now apart of me and my story.
-It's not as bad as I thought it would be. At least today.....

and why the Panic Room picture and reference above? Well that is one of the first things I thought of when I found out I had diabetes. Really. Kristen Stewarts boy looking character in the Panic Room. Like really Hollywood? You provide me with inaccurate, long lasting images for everything.