Nothing relaxes this girl more than watching QVC.
You know QVC, the home shopping channel.
Seriously. It's really bizarre.
One may think, well if you really enjoy shopping then maybe it makes sense that watching a home shopping channel relaxes you because your doing one of your favorite things while sitting on your cozy couch. and to that, I say no. No that's just not it. I hate pretty much everything they sell on QVC, I would never buy any of it. It's just not my thang. 90% of the time what they are selling grosses me out and I make fun of it while relaxing. But I keep watching and loving the grossness.
So what is it about these home shopping channels that does it for me? What about them relaxes me so?
Reason #1- The Hosts
I love all the QVC hosts. Shawn's my favorite. Doesn't she just look fun and spunky!?

Yeah she does. Let me give you an example of why she's so great. A couple of days ago I was relaxing=watching QVC and Shawn was selling some strange foot buffer product. Since Shawn is such a dedicated host, she was on live tv using the foot buffer thingy on her barefeet. This alone would make some people think Shawn is a blast. But that's not all. She then, barefooted and buffing, asked the camera man to zoom in as close as possible to her foot. The camera man obliged, zoomed in and........toe hair. You could see toe hair! Not only could you see her toe hair but she also acknowledged the toe hair and pointed it out even more to all us viewers. Now that's special. I like her. She's keeping it real, and maybe keeping other things a little too real and natural.
Reason #2 - Holidays
Christmas in particular. Christmas time just makes me feel warm, comfy and relaxed. and lucky for me QVC starts celebrating Christmas in July. No joke. You can get your Christmas tank filled up by QVC around the time of our nations birthday. (FYI-your Christmas tank is located 4 inches down from your heart right underneath your ribs, quite close to your belly, access can be through your belly button).
Reason #3 - People being paid to pretend to be happy
Since everyone on the channel always looks so happy and are acting like they are having the best day ever it makes me feel happy and like I'm having the best day ever. How can you not feel crazy happy and relaxed when Shawn is joyfully selling you a comforter set.
There are plenty of other reasons why QVC relaxes me, but I'm now bored which means your probably bored with the topic too.
I will end with the tip that if you want to get me something special for Christmas, make it a IOU coupon saying something like "I will watch 1 hour of QVC with you whenever you want and enjoy it."
*cough* Aj *cough*
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