3 pallet wood shelves for the kitchen
for this ugly wall
hate it
One of these days I'll do a post about our kitchen, but I'm avoiding it because it will take a long time for me to write about all the things I hate about it.
Wait, now Courtney that's not fair.
It's not really all the kitchens fault. It's been ignored since we've moved in. We've barely done anything design wise to it. I won't take 50% blame for it's ugliness but I will take 40% blame for lack of effort. People I'm busy! The other 60% blame goes to the kitchen for being old and not ever being very loved.
But!! I do have big plans for the kitchen eventually. I'm hoping Santa brings me a sewing machine for Christmas so I can start by making curtains.
With a little lovins I think our kitchen will be looking mighty fine by summer.
(ok now bring it back to what this post is supposed to be about)
This is my inspiration x 3

I also like the idea of making one a wine rack

cause I'm fancy like that.
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