-My Christmas wishlist this year mostly contains dishes. Cute dishes. and I'm excited about it.
-Tomorrow I'm going to post another "Day in the life of type 1 diabetes" but it will be the insulin pump edition. I know, try to control your excited spirit fingers. Diabetes awareness month started last Thursday and I was planning on doing lots of diabetes related post this month but I'm behind. So I'll start tomorrow over a week late.
-On the topic of spirit fingers, did you know these existed? I believe I'm appalled.
appalledpast participle, past tense of ap·pall
Verb: Greatly dismay or horrify
Yes. I'm appalled.
I refuse to give the source of this picture.
-Pinterest is now offering "secret boards". I love this news. It's going to be great for pinning gifts, party ideas, and non of your business stuff.
-We found out last weekend that our lease for our current home ends mid-May. Since we only have about 6 months left here (here being this infrastructure), I'm now in the stage where I refuse to do anything else to this place. No more decorating until we move into our new place that doesn't yet exist. I find this lack of a creative outlet depressing, but my heart will go on Celine Dion style.
-Brag on husband time. Look what surprise I came home to last week...........
-In other news, I'm already craving Thanksgiving stuffing.
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